If you are an employee and have been asked to take a Password test then this area is for you.
You can use these pages to familiarise yourself with the test format and explore sample questions.
You can use these pages to familiarise yourself with the test format and explore sample questions.

How to prepare
To have the best chance of success in your Password test, it is important for you to prepare properly.
The following information will help you to get ready for test day and to know what type of questions to expect in your test.
It is recommended that you first look through the preparation material first and then take a practice test, which we will mark for you. Along with your results report which will contain both Password scores and CEFR levels, we will send you some helpful tips to further improve your score.

Preparation material
There are several Password Workforce tests. The first thing you need to do is find out which test you have been asked to take. Then you can find information and sample questions about the test by clicking on the links below.
- Password Workforce
Password Workforce has three sections: knowledge, writing and speaking
This test takes 1 hours 50 minutes - Password Workforce Intro
Password Workforce Intro has two sections: intro knowledge and intro writing
This test takes 1 hour 5 minutes